
About the Outfits on Graduation Day

As the end of the school year approaches so does graduation. What does one wear to their graduation besides their cap and gown? What do guests wear? You might have way too much going on to even think about that. That is what I am here for!
The first step in great style is planning ahead. Plan your outfit at least a day in advance so you can have time the morning of to style your hair, shower, etc. Especially if you have the 9 am graduation, planning ahead is a must. You will want to dress to impress! You’ll be taking all kinds of photos with your family and friends. You will want to be able to take off your cap and outer wear and easily take pictures without having to change into your nice clothes. Remember to CHECK THE WEATHER!

Ladies, usually graduation attire consists of a dress catering to your own style. You can take an exquisite handbag as the accessories, where you can keep your phone, keys, burts bees, etc. Wearing the stunning dresses to have an elegant and unique look. Remember the length of the dress or skirt because you will want to be comfortable enough to sit down for a long period of time. Do not wear so high heels. You don’t know how long you will be standing or walking so wear cute but comfortable shoes. If you must wear a heeled shoes pick one with a wide heel or a wedge for support.

Less is more when it comes to makeup and hair this day. You may not have time for touch ups on this long day. Remember that you will be wearing a cap so a flatter, straighter hair style is a good idea.

If it turns to your graduation party, stunning and fashion dresses will be needed. Then you can turn to these: graduation dress online | college graduation dresses

